Multiple sites have confirmed the all star cast for the upcoming much anticipated 20th edition of Survivor, titled Heroes vs. Villains.
Here they are...
First the Heroes tribe:
Rupert Boneham - Rupert, 45, finished 8th in Pearl Islands, Season 7, and 4th on All-Stars (Season 8.)
James 'J.T.' Thomas - JT, 25, was the winner of Tocantins, Season 18.
Tom Westman - Tom, 45, winner of Palau, Season 10.
Colby Donaldson - Colby, 36, was the runner up in Season 2 in the Australian Outback, and finished 12th in Season 8's All-Stars.
James Clement - James, 25, finished 7th in China in Season 15, and was forced to leave the game due to injury in Season 16 in Micronesia.
Stephenie LaGrossa - Stephenie, 30, was a 7th place finisher in Palau in Season 10, but was the runner up in Season 11 in Guatemala.
Amanda Kimmell - Amanda, 25, was a 3rd place finisher in China Season 7, and a 2nd place finisher in Micronesia, Season 16.
Jessica 'Sugar' Kiper - Sugar, 30, was 3rd place in Season 17, Gabon.
Cirie Fields - Cirie, 39, finished 4th in Panama, Season 12, and 3rd in Micronesia, Season 16.
Candice Woodcock - Candice, 27, finished 8th place in Season 13, Cook Islands.
Now for the Villains...
'Boston Rob' Mariano - Boston Rob, 34, was a 10th place finisher in Marquesas in Season 4, and the runner-up in All-Stars, Season 8.
Randy Bailey - Randy, 50, finished 8th place in Season 17, Gabon.
Tyson Apostol - Tyson, 29, 8th place in Tocantins, Season 18.
Ben 'Coach' Wade - Coach, 38, finished 5th place in Season 18, Tocantins.
Russell Hantz - Russell, 36, the much talked about runner up in the just finished Season 19, Samoa.
Jerri Manthey - Jerri, 38, finished 8th place in Season 2, Outback, and 10th place in Season 8's All-Stars.
Parvati Shallow - Parvati, 27, 6th place in Cook Islands Season 13, and the winner of Micronesia, Season 16.
Sandra Diaz-Twine - Sandra, 37, winner of Pearl Islands, Season 7.
Courtney Yates - Courtney, 28, was the runner up of Season 15, China.
Danielle DiLorenzo - Danielle, 28, runner up of Season 12, Panama.
Some interesting choices here. Russell and Boston Rob should be very interesting together. Cirie, Sandra, and Candice seem to be a little out of their leagues here, but with Survivor, you never know.
I would have liked to have seen Jonathan Penner get another shot. He was in Cook Island and finished 7th, then he appeared in Micronesia. In my opinion, he was on his way to winning in Micronesia before he had to be evacuated due to injury.
Also very interesting was there are no players from Season 1 here. We all know Richard Hatch wasn't allowed to play due to his legal problems. Colleen Haskell on the Heroes would have been nice, and Kelly Wiglesworth on the Villains would have fit.
Keep in mind, CBS has not yet made any statements regarding this cast and are saying that this list is unconfirmed.
Either way, it should be an amazing season. Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains premieres on CBS on February 11th.