Danny Gokey and Alexis Grace.
Many of you may have thought they were the front runners already, but last night sealed it.
Alexis sang Dirty Diana. She has pure star power and great stage presence, not to mention an incredible voice. Judges were split. Simon and Randy thought she was good, but not great. Paula and Kara loved it.
One thing that may hurt her is the number to vote for her. She was the final performer and had the last number. Everyone else was IDOLS 1 through 12, she was 36. In case you didn't hear they couldn't use 13 because it was an adult entertainment phone service. We'll see how smart the voters are to actually use the right number.
Danny's performance of PYT was his best so far. Yes his dancing was silly and even he admitted it. The judges were unanimous in their praise of Danny. They criticized the dancing, which of course was true. Simon compared him to Michael McDonald.
In my opinion, Danny will be one of the final two on finale night.
Alexis Grace is incredible!!