He was in control of the game from the very beginning. Week after week, he manipulated the votes to go his way. He found hidden immunity idols with no clues whatsoever. He won the final and most important immunity challenge. He started out as one of the most hated players ever and soon became one that people rooted for because he was playing such an amazing game.
Natalie on the other hand did absolutely nothing. She didn't do a single thing to keep herself in the game. The only reason she continued to survive week after week was because the other players CHOSE not to vote her out.
You may not like Russell, but he ruled this game. I have nothing against Natalie at all. She won the million dollars, good luck to her. It's the 9 jury members who should be ashamed of themselves. They lost sight of what the game was about. You're not supposed to vote for who you like the most. This isn't high school. You are supposed to vote for who played the best game. You are supposed to set aside your personal feelings when you vote. Not a single member of that jury can make a valid argument that Natalie played a better game than Russell.
Jeff Probst did the best he could to tell the jury they screwed up with out actually coming out and saying it. He asked Natalie what her best move in the game was and when she couldn't answer he mentioned that maybe it was voting Erik out. Then when Russell won the fan vote for the Player of the Year, he basically asked the jury "What does that tell you?" They really had no answer for him.
I don't want to hear that he lied, backstabbed, and had no regard for other peoples feelings. That is how you play the game. There has never been a single player who has played Survivor that hasn't lied or backstabbed in this game. It's part of the game. Period. It's how you win.
There have been some other bad votes in Survivor history. Tina Wesson beating Colby Donaldson in Australia after Colby won immunity challenge after immunity challenge, and Amber Brkich beating out Rob Mariano in All-Stars, after Rob basically controlled the game from the beginning much like Russell did this time.
Whether Russell is one of the best to ever play or not is open to debate, but what is not open to debate is that Russell dominated this season and deserved to be crowned the winner. Anyone who thinks that the right person won has no clue how the game is supposed to be played.
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