Castle himself, Nathan Fillion, tweeted about it thanking the fans, "Cheers to you all for making it happen.”
Monday night’s conclusion of ‘Castle’s two-parter guest-starring Dana Delany averaged 14.5 million total viewers, eclipsing last week’s all-time high by 12 percent.
It also marked the second straight week that the series topped the 10 o’clock hour in both total viewers and performance in the coveted 18-to-49 demo. Last time around, it even bested an original episode of time-slot powerhouse ‘CSI: Miami.’
Most remarkably, this week’s ‘Castle’ gave ABC its biggest audience in the Mondays-at-10 slot since, believe it or not, April 22, 1996.
OUTSTANDING, Couldn't happen to a nicer cast and crew! Congratulations!