The cause was not immediately known.
The actor and former game show host was best known for his presenting duties on MTV show 'Remote Control' from 1987 to 1990.
The game show launched the careers of Adam Sandler and Denis Leary, and they have been quick to pay tribute to their friend.
Sandler says, "Ken Ober was one of the sharpest, quickest, sweetest guys I ever met. He was always a great friend and I will miss him very much."
And Leary echoed his pal's sentiments, adding, "Kenny Ober was and always will be the quickest wit in the room. As the star and host of Remote Control, he was a welcoming ringmaster who helped to kickstart the careers of numerous talents, including Adam Sandler, Colin Quinn and myself."
"He will be remembered always by each of his friends not only for his massive talent but for his true, deep and enduring friendship."
Ober is survived by his mother, father, stepmother and a brother.
I fondly remember Remote Control as a fun show back when MTV was actually MTV. Too bad.