...Kris Allen!!! For many people this came as a huge shock. Adam Lambert was supposedly the overwhelming favorite going into this week. Oddsmakers made Lambert a 1-3 favorite. Adam didn't really seem too upset, he knows he has a big career ahead of him.
A couple of things that people didn't count on...
Danny Gokey's fans, it seems, were much more on the Kris Allen side than Adam Lambert's side. The vast majority of Gokey voters gave their vote this week to Allen. About 100 million votes were cast altogether, reportedly 38 million from Allen's home state of Arkansas.
I also think some people were put off by Adam's screaming. Don't get me wrong, Adam has a magnificent singing voice and will go on to be a major star I'm sure. But 'Idol' fans, on average, do not go for the screaming. In my opinion, Adam is much better when you can watch him, instead of just listening to him.
The heaps of praise piled on Adam week after week might have annoyed some people too. The standing O's, the tears from Paula, I mean enough was enough, we get it he's good.
Kris Allen really gained steam in the last few weeks, and carried it right into the finale. His performances on finale night were just ok, but he probably already had it sealed by then.
I think this may actually turn out to be a good thing for Adam. He is now free to choose his own path. If the rumors out there about Queen asking him to be their new lead singer are true, then he is now free to do that.
So for all the people who want to create a controversy over last nights results, take it easy. Kris and Adam, and most likely Danny and Allison as well, will all have big careers. In 5 years when Adam is churning out hits, no one is going to care that he didn't win 'Idol.' Chris Daughtry is the most successful singer to come out of season 5 and he finished 4th. Taylor Hicks was the eventual winner that year.
One thing I need to say... Last nights show was excellent. With performances by the top 13 contestants, last years winner David Cook, the Black Eyed Peas, Queen Latifah, Cyndi Lauper, Lionel Richie, Rod Stewart, Keith Urban, Steve Martin, Carlos Santana, Queen, and KISS it was really an amazing show to watch. Top notch entertainment.